In partnership with the associations Radika-DE from Debar, Civic Initiative of Women – GIZ from Sveti Nikole and Moja Farma from Gostivar, on October 25, 2024, we organized a workshop for the exchange of experiences of women farmers with the successful story from the village of Godivje, the Kitka Darovi I Bundle of Nature farm as a brand of medicinal, cosmetic and gastronomic products.
The workshop, intended for women producers from rural areas from the Gostivar, Sveti Nikole and Debar regions, was organized in order to encourage women and give them additional motivation to start a new business with home products. At the same time, the event was an opportunity to join the efforts of the three organizations in their goal of improving the economic empowerment of rural women.
The workshop is part of the small action “Through small civic initiatives and promotion of success stories to generate new ideas, experiences and knowledge”, within the framework of the project “Alliances for Active Citizenry”, supported by the European Union.