ID of the organization
The NGO Info-center (NGO-IC) started in November 2003 as a follow up project of the ad-hoc NGO Info-center’s and Women Organizations’ Press Centre that were functional during the Parliamentary Elections 2002, within the frames of the NGO campaign “Power to the People”.
In September 2004, the NGO-IC was registered as an independent entity with a mission to be creator of positive reputation, trust and influence of the civil sector in society, with developed, continuous and sustainable expertise in the fields of public relations and advocacy.
Ever since, the NGO-IC strives to contribute to developed and free democratic society based on rule of law and respect for human rights, society of enlightened and proactive citizens who live in welfare and nurtures dignity, equality, solidarity and fairness.
The NGO-IC works dedicatedly to create a culture of continuous and proactive participation of citizens in political and social processes through continuous education and emancipation, as well as through public advocacy.
The NGO-IC is a professional and independent organization that works in an open and transparent manner, involves and has equal approach to all people and social groups, values its integrity, credibility and approaches the (natural) resources and the environment in a responsible fashion.
NGO-IC is governed by the following values, and cross-cutting horizontal priorities:
- Professionality and Independence
- Integrity and Credibility
- Openness
- Transparency
- Consistency and Coherence
- Inclusivity
- Sustainable use of Resources
Horizontal priorities (that are reflected on all program and organizational policies, practices, and activities):
- Environmental protection
- Adaptation to and prevention of climate change
- Gender equality and equal treatment of all vulnerable groups
The NGO-IC focuses on the following strategic priorities:
- Environment that enables and supports a strong, engaged and active civil sector.
- Educated, enlightened and informed citizens and social groups for development of open and free society.
- Freedom of information and freedom of expression.
- Good governance to build a society based on solidarity and inclusion, with equal opportunities for all citizens.
- Educated civil sector as a vanguard of efforts to exert influence and change for the better.
- Leadership by example: Through continuous organizational growth and improvement (life-long learning) to achieve positive change.
Executive Manager: Biljana Bejkova
Program Manager: Elena Simonoska