The monitoring of the media to assess the quantity and quality of investigative and analytical journalism is conducted under the auspices of the “Investigative Journalism for Promotion of Reforms” Project, financed by the European Union. The aim of the project that has been implemented since 2016 is to promote the growth of accurate and investigative journalism in view of improved public information and protection of public interest. In other words, the aim is to stimulate the newsrooms and the journalists to dedicate greater effort to in-depth and detailed analysis of problems and thus separate themselves from the flood of short, quick, superficial and sensationalist information, providing the citizens with the context and better insight of the actual situation.
This is the third media monitoring action, after those implemented in 2016 and 2017. This year, the monitoring again covered the investigative and analytical articles published and aired by the media, starting from the point that analytical journalism implies to seek for meaning in complex social topics and place them in the proper context in order to explain them to the public, combining aspects of investigative journalism and straightforward explanatory reporting.
Analysis of findings of monitoring of media reporting 2018
CIP – Cataloging in a publication
National and University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Skopje
Skopje: NGO Info-center, 2019. – 28 p. : graph. displays; 21×21 cm
ISBN 978-608-4594-20-8
COBISS.MK-ID 109351434