RCS Spektar, in cooperation with the Municipality of Kriva Palanka, on December 11, 2023, organized a public forum where the results for the realization of the civic priorities for 2023 were presented.
The priorities are part of the memorandum of the organization with the mayor Sashko Mitovski, with which he undertakes to realize a total of 38 civic priority projects for the period 2023-2025. The citizens concluded that for the period of one year, the municipality managed to realize some of their priorities and requested in the next 2 years an even greater volume of satisfaction of the priority needs.
The secretary of Kriva Palanka municipality, Martin Nikolovski, thanked the citizens for their involvement in the creation of local policies and said that a successful implementation is expected. “It is pleasing that the citizens, through a direct and participative approach, thematic, debate sessions, forums and similar forms of participation, make an active contribution to the preparation of operational programs and the allocation of budget funds. It contributes to jointly changing the image of Kriva Palanka, supporting development and building a modern and desirable municipality”, emphasized Nikolovski, who is also the coordinator of the project for the implementation of the budget forum.
Lidija Mitovska, the moderator of the budget forum, informed about the realization of the civic priorities for 2023 that resulted from this process, as well as about the new 40 proposals from the citizens that were accepted in the annual programs for 2024.
At the end, a fruitful discussion was opened in which the participants of the public debate gave more suggestions and proposals for a more successful realization of the priorities. Among the most significant proposals is solving the problem by building the collector system and the treatment plant. Considering that it is a huge investment that the municipality cannot realize on its own, the citizens proposed the purchase of mobile or sectoral purification stations of a smaller scale for the priority solution of this crucial problem.
At the same time, proposals were made for inclusion of the priorities of persons with disabilities, reconstruction of the water supply network, efficient solution of privatization and legalization of buildings, construction of atmospheric sewerage, etc.
The public debate is organized within the project “Active citizens and participatory democracy at the local level”, of the NGO Infocenter, and supported by the Olof Palme International Center.